Friday, April 4, 2014

Time to move on for the better

I have a very strong belief that the Philippines and its people are underadvertised and misreported. There are lots of good things about them that has to be echoed and resounded to give a more positive reputation about both the beautiful country and amazing nation of brown race.

For almost 5 decades of murkiness by mismanagement of government and its funds, social and political problems and economic downfall due to uncertainties, the world has looked down to the Philippines and branded it as 'the sick man of Asia.' But the turn of events in the past years, the Philippines has rebounded into a promising frontier in terms of economic investment, tourism, cultural and labor development. Now, it is considered as one of the world's brightest economic spots.

These inspiring developments about the Philippines and its fun loving, hospitable and highly spirited people has prompted us to echo and trumpet the triumphs of this God favored nation. Truly, we felt the need that her positive and awe-inspiring news and achievements should be announced to the rest of the world to regain the admirations it enjoys almost half century ago. This is why I have created this blog to serve that purpose.

However, with its current state (my blog) as a copy cat or shall I say Copy and Paste style, it seems not worthy to publish at all. It only serves as a compiling chamber for good news about the Philippines but can never really initiate forward actions to effect lives and contribute to the well being of the coubtry and the human race as a whole. This is why, it no longer published additional news and features about good things happening among Filipinos after the 41st article posted last month.

I have decided to cease from becoming an echo device from source publications and websites by putting it to rest and make use of the bought out opportune time to a more noble cause.

Hence, no more aticle will be added on this blog site to give way to a new creation with the ambition to be of service and of help to humanity.

I beg that you will continue to support me with my new venture Coming Soon!

Visit also my other blog: