Friday, March 7, 2014

Bloomberg News: Top Philippine Fund Doubles Consumer Stocks With Record Bet

The Philippine Stocks Exchange. (Photo by:

The top-performing Philippine stock fund in the past five years has doubled holdings of consumer companies as record remittances boost the spending power of shoppers in Southeast Asia’s fastest-growing economy.
The UBP Large Cap Philippine Equity Portfolio (IFDLCPE) increased positions in the consumer industry to a record 60 percent of assets from about 30 percent in mid-2013, said Robert Ramos, who oversees about $897 million as the chief investment officer at Union Bank of the Philippines. Holdings include Emperador Inc. (EMP), the nation’s largest liquor company, and Puregold Price Club Inc., the biggest grocery-store operator. Both stocks have jumped at least 12 percent this year.
Overseas remittances to the Philippines increased a bigger-than-estimated 9.1 percent in December, while slower inflation last month eased pressure on the central bank to raise interest rates that have stayed at a record low since October 2012. Consumer spending accounts for almost three quarters of the $250 billion economy, which grew at a 6.5 percent pace last quarter.

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